S hit McGit (The Bud Spencer Theory)
So....When do you know it's time to stop shitting?
I mean you get to a point where you decide, 'yeah, I think i'm done'. When is that point?
Of course logic would have you think that point is reached when you no longer feel you have any shit left. But if you really wanted to be logical, technically, there's still some there, either being made or on it's way.
Which leads me to the conclusion that we're always in the process of takin a shit. Just makin and takin. From the day we're born till the day we die is one big shit session, with the experiences in between serving as mere interludes from our main purpose. This basically means, 'life is one big shit session', and we are much like the pieces of shit we produce, which of course leads me to envisage this world as a giant toilet bowl.
Our collective ‘assholes of creation’ continuously expectorate fragments of our shit-selves into this toilet-bowl-world (TBW for short).
We spend some time floating around in the eternal darkness of the TBW bumping into other shits, trying our best to fabricate meaning from the blurry silhouettes we randomly meet. We do this until we eventually get flushed down. Some of us try to cling on to the sides of the bowl so we can stay a little longer; like old people clinging onto life; aren’t they annoying. Some of us try to hold on to the great big asshole of creation, kinda like babies not wanting to be born. Some of us actually get flushed down.....
.....and then come back.
And of course as with people, there are different kinds of shit. Big shits, small shits, fat shits, thin shits, soft shits, hard shits, holy shits, different coloured shits, different shaped shits, dumb shits; But there are no smart shits. There are smart-asses, but no smart shits. That's because the TBW is a system designed with assholes in mind. And why not? Assholes are the manufacturers of these shits, and the aim is to keep us putrid lumps in the dark, feeding the TBW, floating around, occasionally making contact with other shits until we eventually get flushed down.
BUT, imagine if some of these shits got smart; put their shit heads together and realised their lives don't amount to shit. I'm not shitting you, these shits would one day form a union capable of being represented by a solitary, powerful & unified voice. They would stand up and yell out to the assholes of the world, "We're not gonna take this shit any longer!"