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The Confidence of Intelligence

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A new machine which can harvest intelligence from a human and transplant it to another has recently been unveiled at the research labs of the prestigious TGRMSK University.

Researchers claim the machine, with its helmet apparatus, can be used to harvest and transplant human intelligence.  At this point the machine is only capable of the two way process.

Researchers have not yet figured out how to manufacture human intelligence. This means the source of the intelligence must come from another living human, however when harvested, the intelligence can be transplanted to another human, only once.  There is however, no limit on how many intelligences can be transplanted into one human. So, if a human wished, they could absorb the intelligences of multiple other humans.

Researchers reiterate that the machine is only capable of partially harvesting intelligence.  Due to ethics regulations they are not permitted to harvest 100% of a human’s intelligence. The maximum permissible amount is 75%, which may leave a human only capable of completing basic survival activities such as eating sleeping & defecating.  Communicative abilities at this level will be highly impaired.

Another caveat appears to be the finding that this procedure is irreversible.  With modern research showing that while human intelligence can be increased, it generally takes a lot of time and effort, so technically one could be a multiple donor, albeit with very slim chances. Unfortunately, one cannot have their own intelligence put back.  They can however have someone else’s intelligence transplanted. On the other side of the coin, those who have had an intelligence transplant are not able to ‘uninstall’ it. They can have their own intelligence removed but transplanted ones remain.

Further findings into the efficacy of this machine reveal that due to neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life) there is a rate of diminishing returns.  While the first transplant may deliver the full capacity of intelligence (minus intelligence lost during the harvesting, storing & transplantation phases) the second and subsequent transplants will deliver ever decreasing impact in relation to the previous one.

But despite all of these technical limitations, the research lab says they currently have a 3 year waiting list of clients who want to increase their intelligence, many of them who are very wealthy and are willing to pay the right price for another person’s intelligence.

As of yesterday the lab have set up a site where you can register your details should you wish to participate.  Participants are required to be healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 67 with no known genetic defects or terminal diseases.

So if you feel like being a participant follow the link below and register your interest

Would you sell your intelligence?